The Kano State Police Command has achieved notable advancements in combating crime by arresting and charging a theft syndicate led by women. The group, headed by...
The Ajeniju of Halleluyah Community in Osun State, Oba Jelili Olaiya, has narrated his ordeal following a violent attack on his palace by hoodlums last Friday....
Governor Ademola Adeleke has issued stern warning to youth groups behind recent attacks on the Ajeniju of Hallelujah, Oba Jelil Olaiya and the burning of his...
The Police in Osun have arrested Wale Ogunsanmi, in connection with the stabbing to death of an Osogbo-based cleric, Bishop Shina Olaribigbe. Ogunsanmi, 35 year old,...
An alarming array of weapons have been recovered from one Obinna Nwigwe, a 33-year-old man at the Najob Guest House in Bwari in Bwari Area Council....
Suspected arsonist have set ablaze the palace and properties of a self acclaimed monarch, HRH Emmanuel Akamisoko Dauda-Shelika, Nyamkpa IV, in Kogi State. The monarch’s vehicle...
The Nigeria Police Force, NPF, has reported a successful operation conducted by officers from Zone 7 Command and the National Cybercrime Centre (NPF-NCCC) in Abuja. In...
The operatives of Zamfara State Hisbah Commission have clashed with Police officers in Gusau, for allegedly taking women to hotels. Addressing newsmen in Gusau, the Executive...
A farmer has been apprehended by operatives of the Ondo State Police Command for allegedly beating a suspected thief to death in Odigbo Local Government Area...